Ebook Improvised City Architecture and Governance in Shanghai 18431937 Cole Roskam 9780295744780 Books

By Madge Garrett on Friday, May 31, 2019

Ebook Improvised City Architecture and Governance in Shanghai 18431937 Cole Roskam 9780295744780 Books

Product details

  • Hardcover 304 pages
  • Publisher University of Washington Press (May 29, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0295744782

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Read Allegro con fuoco Innamorarsi della musica classica Italian Edition edition by Beatrice Venezi Arts Photography eBooks

By Madge Garrett

Read Allegro con fuoco Innamorarsi della musica classica Italian Edition edition by Beatrice Venezi Arts Photography eBooks

Download As PDF : Allegro con fuoco Innamorarsi della musica classica Italian Edition edition by Beatrice Venezi Arts Photography eBooks

Download PDF Allegro con fuoco Innamorarsi della musica classica Italian Edition  edition by Beatrice Venezi Arts Photography eBooks

La musica classica è di tutti. Per troppo tempo l’abbiamo considerata noiosa, adatta a vecchi ricchi intellettuali, lontana dal suono dei tempi; l’abbiamo legata al flauto dolce a cui ci costringevano a scuola; alle occhiatacce per un applauso sbagliato a teatro; a simboli incomprensibili annotati su fogli ingialliti. Per troppo tempo abbiamo lasciato che pregiudizi e cliché ci tenessero lontano dalla bellezza che per secoli ha sedotto uomini e donne, di tutte le classi e di tutte le età. Beatrice Venezi, neppure trent’anni, non si è lasciata sopraffare da questi luoghi comuni ha scoperto la bellezza istintiva di una composizione classica fin da piccola, l’ha inseguita sugli spartiti, l’ha studiata e oggi cerca di portarla in ogni orchestra che dirige in tutto il mondo. Beatrice non ha dubbi chiunque, anche oggi, può innamorarsi della musica classica, proprio come ha fatto lei. Forse basta farsi condurre dalla giusta guida. La melodia diventa così un mezzo per scoprire il mondo, il ritmo un tentativo di ascoltare noi stessi e l’armonia una prova di vita sociale. E a ben guardare le trame dell’opera sembrano ricalcare la nostra attualità così Carmen diventa un simbolo per combattere la violenza sulle donne, e la Bohème una trasposizione parigina di serie tv di successo come Friends o How I Met Your Mother. Tra spartiti e semiminime, biografie di compositori e di direttori d’orchestra, Beatrice Venezi ci mostra come la musica classica, una volta libera dagli stereotipi, sia un bene globale una bellezza che appartiene a tutti.

Read Allegro con fuoco Innamorarsi della musica classica Italian Edition edition by Beatrice Venezi Arts Photography eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 2661 KB
  • Print Length 170 pages
  • Publisher UTET (April 2, 2019)
  • Publication Date April 2, 2019
  • Language Italian

Read Allegro con fuoco Innamorarsi della musica classica Italian Edition  edition by Beatrice Venezi Arts Photography eBooks

Tags : Allegro con fuoco Innamorarsi della musica classica (Italian Edition) - edition by Beatrice Venezi. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Allegro con fuoco Innamorarsi della musica classica (Italian Edition).,ebook,Beatrice Venezi,Allegro con fuoco Innamorarsi della musica classica (Italian Edition),UTET

Allegro con fuoco Innamorarsi della musica classica Italian Edition edition by Beatrice Venezi Arts Photography eBooks Reviews :

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Read TFA Insegnante di Sostegno Infanzia e Primaria Teoria e Quiz per la preparazione alle prove d'accesso &bull Teorie psicopedagogiche e strat didattiche &bull delle ist scolastiche Italian Edition eBook Redazioni Edizioni Simone

By Madge Garrett

Read TFA Insegnante di Sostegno Infanzia e Primaria Teoria e Quiz per la preparazione alle prove d'accesso &bull Teorie psicopedagogiche e strat didattiche &bull delle ist scolastiche Italian Edition eBook Redazioni Edizioni Simone

Product details

  • File Size 9909 KB
  • Publisher Edizioni Simone (March 28, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 28, 2019
  • Language Italian
  • ASIN B07Q44ND5J

More aboutRead TFA Insegnante di Sostegno Infanzia e Primaria Teoria e Quiz per la preparazione alle prove d'accesso &bull Teorie psicopedagogiche e strat didattiche &bull delle ist scolastiche Italian Edition eBook Redazioni Edizioni Simone

Download The Official ACT Prep Guide 201819 Edition Book + Bonus Online Content ACT Books

By Madge Garrett on Thursday, May 30, 2019

Download The Official ACT Prep Guide 201819 Edition Book + Bonus Online Content ACT Books

Product details

  • Series Official ACT Prep Guide
  • Paperback 864 pages
  • Publisher Wiley; 1 edition (June 6, 2018)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 9781119508069
  • ISBN-13 978-1119508069
  • ASIN 1119508061

The Official ACT Prep Guide 201819 Edition Book + Bonus Online Content ACT Books Reviews

  • This review is for the HARD COPY version.

    I’ve been tutoring the ACT for over a decade, have scored perfectly on it as an adult, and have coached a student to a perfect score, as well as many others to perfect scores on individual sections. I run a Youtube channel offering free ACT / SAT prep and college advice (SupertutorTV) and also have created an online prep course for the ACT. In short, I know the ACT.

    When it comes to ACT prep books, the number one advice I have for my students is to USE AUTHENTIC MATERIALS from the test maker. That means if you’re taking the ACT, and can afford nothing but one book, this is the number one resource I would recommend. The ACT test got a minor reboot in 2014 when ACT added probability items to the math section, reduced the number of science passages from 7 to 6, and added a dual reading passage section. The ACT has also revamped the essay a couple of times since 2014. This book reflects all those changes better than any previous books.

    There are a few updates this book includes that the previous editions of the book don’t
    1) A new, 4th test included in the book (awesome!). This is a recent test (form code 74C) that was administered in June 2017
    2) Access to an online question “bank” instead of printable pdf versions of the “bonus” questions that came with older versions of this guide (2015-2016 and the latest 2016-2017 which has no date on the cover). (not awesome!). Each book includes a scratch off code, so best to purchase new, not used, if you want to take advantage of these online questions. As before, these include around 100 of each subject matter pulled from the Real ACT Prep guide that has since been taken out of print.
    3) Essays that reflect the latest version of the essay prompt (previously, the question required students to integrate “multiple perspectives” or all three perspectives. The newer version of the prompt is reworded and broader, asking students to incorporate “at least one” other perspective; other versions of the prep guide may not include the correct prompts for the essay).

    Why four stars then? Well, this update to last year’s guide has a few disappointments.

    My number one complaint is the fact that the question bank is now online only. Having the ability to PRINT the bonus questions made them much more valuable, and this was possible with the older version of this same guide.
    Studies have shown that students focus less when reading from screens and performance may be affected. Additionally, it’s best to prep using the same method you would use when actually taking the test. That makes your practice experience closer to your testing experience. Printing to paper gives students that experience. Doing questions in a question bank online doesn’t.

    The other issue with the question bank is that it randomizes the order of the questions and passages. Though this may not matter for some sections, in the math it means it’s harder to tell which math questions should be “easy” and which ones “hard” so that students can more easily do the ones that are most applicable to them. In the past version the start of the packet was on the easy side and around question 40 the questions got harder, and then reset after question 50 and again after question 75. It wasn’t perfect, but easier to track than this mess of an online system, at least for tutors trying to assign the hardest questions to students, or students looking for streaks of hard questions.

    Additionally, the OFFICIAL ACT PREP GUIDE (this book) and all versions of it borrows heavily from the previous book of ACT Tests pre 2014 changes called The Real ACT (CD) 3rd Edition (Official Act Prep Guide), particularly in the math sections (more on this below). That's kind of annoying, as it means you can't buy both books and get 9 tests. If you buy both you get more like 7 tests. I know the other one is out of print, but it would still be nice to be able to buy that book used and get even more tests to practice with in complete form.

    Now let’s first discuss what this includes

    1) Four “real” ACT tests.
    The first three exams appear to be identical to the previous editions of this guide. I’ve noted the form codes these were sourced from in case you know of these past exams.
    Test 1 (diagnostic) English, Reading, Science (Jun 2015 73C), Math (73C+10 random questions from The Real ACT Prep Guide exams, mix of exams, and a few originals),
    Test 2 English, Reading, Science (Apr 2015 73G), Math (random questions from The Real ACT Prep Guide exams, mostly from Exam #2, and a few originals),
    Test 3English (Test 5 from Real ACT Prep Guide), Reading, Science (Test 4 from Real ACT Prep Guide), Math (Many from test 4 from the Real ACT Prep Guide, some random from that Guide, plus a few 73G questions and a few originals.)
    Test 4 June 2017 Code 74C, all sections

    2) Essay prompts
    All tests include a complete essay prompt; a fifth prompt is in the chapter on the essay, for five total prompts.

    3) Chapters that review the basic content of each section and have some example questions

    Though this might seem to be a great resource, advice from the test makers is rarely as good as advice from private tutors who write books. I’m probably biased (I’m a private tutor who is working on writing some ACT books), but even before I wrote books, I knew the best tips I found for my students weren’t from the test makers. Ideas like “read carefully and thoroughly," are terrible advice for some students who when doing so can’t even finish half of a section. Many students are better off FINISHING than reading everything carefully. True, the book also has pacing strategies, but they aren’t written based on people who are on the ground with students trying to help them exploit test weaknesses or maximize scores. Sure, in an ideal world we we be good little students and do everything the “right” way, but real test prep is about optimization, not being a “good student.” It’s about working within the constraints of the test and maximizing your ability to get questions right. The idea that some students are different and your strategy may be different from someone else’s isn’t really accounted for here in a clear way. The voice of the book feels more objective than insightful in its advice.
    The biggest value of this book is the real tests, not the section advice. If you want test prep advice, get another book from an independent tutor. Still, content tips in the English and Math could be somewhat useful for those with no other resources or limited budgets.

    ALSO Many of the “real” examples from these topic based chapters are part of fully released exams from prior years, such as 61C (the packet released free of charge in 2008-2009). As a result, the example material is not a huge boon for students, but actual a bit of a "spoiler" for anyone who digs up these old, free, released pdf tests online and wants to use them to practice full exams.

    If you’re looking to maximize your access to REAL materials, here are your other options
    1) Upgrade to the The Official ACT Prep Pack with 6 Full Practice Tests (4 in Official ACT Prep Guide + 2 Online) and get access to two online tests in addition to the four tests in the book. Practicing online, though, is not ideal if you’re taking this on paper. (See my note above) (ACT now offers a small percentage of test takers the opportunity to take the test on computers, but I don’t recommend doing so).

    2) Get a copy of the The Real ACT (CD) 3rd Edition (Official Act Prep Guide)in addition to this book.
    You’ll likely want to skip most of the math sections except for anecdotal practice (particularly tests 4 and 2 which show up heavily on the math section of the newer book), but other sections are useful. Know that the reading has no dual passages, and that the science has more passages but the same number of questions. Also, avoid English test #5, and Science and Reading test #4, as these are identical to test #3 in the Official Guide you would get from this page.

    3) Find the previously released free exams that ACT.org has offered students from prior years before the test tweaks in 2014.
    There is one free right now at ACT.org, and many sites have cataloged old editions of the Preparing for the ACT packet from past years. A quick online search for Free PDF ACT practice tests or "Preparing for the ACT" pdf should help you find some of these.

    Get this for the tests (you can't beat real tests!)
    Skip most of the chapter advice by topic (Math, Science, Reading, etc.) unless you can't afford more books or alternate options.
    Online materials are ok but not perfect.

    One final note I've also purchased the version. It is nearly illegible on the portions of the book that are the test; you can't zoom in on these pages at all so the print is so tiny it can't be read. Total waste of money. I do not recommend it at all. Previous versions on the were much better quality and were far more useable. I don't know why this one is so terrible.
  • I'm a Harvard grad, ACT perfect 36 scorer and professional test-prep tutor since 2002. Over the years I have coached my students to scores as high as 36.

    The Official ACT Prep Guide, 2018-19 Edition is the same book as previous editions, such as the Official ACT Prep Guide 2018 and the Official ACT Prep Guide 2016-2017, other than the fact that it now includes a 4th paper test (the June 2017 ACT Form 74C) and some minor updates/revisions, most notably to the wording of the essay prompts in the Writing section of each exam. Yet this book continues to be the most essential preparation guide for the ACT, because it is the only source of official test questions—the practice ACTs in all other books are nothing more than subpar imitations of the real thing.

    Below are my top 13 recommendations for ACT Preparation

    1) Official ACT Practice Tests. You can access 4 official Practice Tests in the newest edition of the Official ACT Prep Guide, but you can also access many others for free online.

    Make sure not only to take the tests, but to create an error log and review your mistakes in detail afterward. Keep in mind that all other sources of ACT practice questions are subpar (but sometimes necessary) imitations of the real thing.

    Yes, the older tests are still helpful despite being (slightly) different and (slightly) easier than more recent ACTs. These older ACTs are still great for practice--just don't trust the scoring conversions.

    2) College Panda ACT Math series

    a) ACT Math Advanced Guide and Workbook The College Panda's ACT Math Advanced Guide and Workbook
    b) ACT Math Workbook More Advanced Practice by Topic The College Panda's ACT Math Workbook More Advanced Practice By Topic

    3) Erica Meltzer ACT Reading and English series

    a) The Complete Guide to ACT English, 3rd Edition The Complete Guide to ACT English, 3rd Edition
    b) The Complete Guide to ACT Reading, 2nd Edition The Complete Guide to ACT Reading, 2nd Edition
    and her free SAT/ACT English punctuation rules

    4) College Panda ACT English and Writing (Essay) books

    a) ACT English Advanced Guide and Workbook The College Panda's ACT English Advanced Guide and Workbook
    b) ACT Essay The Battle-tested Guide for ACT Writing The College Panda's ACT Essay The Battle-tested Guide for ACT Writing

    5) Mighty Oak Guide to Mastering the 2016 Essay For the new (2016-) 36-point ACT Essay. Some of the advice is a tad outdated (the essay is back to being out of 12 points, for example, and the essay prompts have changed very slightly), but it’s still quite helpful Mighty Oak Guide to Mastering the 2016 ACT Essay For the new (2016-) 36-point ACT essayMighty Oak Guide to Mastering the 2016 ACT Essay For the new (2016-) 36-point ACT essay

    6) Ultimate Guide to the Math ACT by Richard F Corn

    7) Quantum ACT Prep free videos (Math only)

    8) For the Love of ACT Science by Michael Cerro

    9) Understanding the ACT Scientific Reasoning by Jerusha Richardson. Not as acclaimed (or as overrated) as FTLOAS but almost as good.

    10) UWorld (free with code) adaptive online learning program.

    11) Albert.io adaptive online learning program. This website is brand-new, but I’ve heard great things about the content with regard to the AP exams. If UWorld isn't enough, then it’s probably worth a shot for $39 for 10 months access, as opposed to Magoosh ($79 for just one month access).

    12) The ACT Prep Black Book. This one is definitely not perfect. The author dispenses some advice that I don’t agree with, but it’s still helpful if you prefer to have detailed, written explanations of your ACT questions. Lots and lots of pages of strategy advice…not for the faint of heart.

    13) ACT Academy (free) adaptive online learning program. This site is official and free, but full of silly videos and corporate-sponsored filler, and needs a lot of improvement. It’s a far cry from the quality of Khan Academy, after which it’s likely modeled, but at least it does include plenty of real ACT questions.

    Honorable Mention Ivy Global ACT Guide (full disclosure I've used Ivy Global's SAT books extensively, and am a big fan of their detailed and thorough books with lots of practice, but haven't had time to try out IG's ACT book yet).

    Unless otherwise noted above, the materials are paid materials. In some cases (Quantum ACT Prep, for example), there are free videos as well as paid videos.

    I have ranked the videos lower than the books because I prefer learning from books and adaptive online learning programs to static videos. In general, I would caution against a video-heavy learning approach, which is tempting due to its ease/convenience, but often leads to low retention as a result of passive learning.

    For more information, you can also check out my detailed review of the previous edition of the book The Official ACT Prep Guide, 2018 Official Practice Tests + 400 Bonus Questions Online

    ...or google "ACT Action Plan - McElroy Tutoring" for my full list of ACT Prep recommendations.

    Questions, comments, suggestions? Let me know.

    Best of luck with your ACT prep!

  • The best book you can get for ACT prep. Written by the test makers, it is a must have to improve your score. I have be tutoring for the ACT for 15 years, this is the only book I will spend my money on.
  • Honestly, I didn't use this myself. I bought it for my daughter and she told me to rate it a 5. She took the ACT and scored a 32, so we're very pleased. She did study hard for the test. But this book was money well spent.
  • Absolutely awesome. Used in conjunction with the ACT Prep Black Book, my daughter's ACT score went from 23 to 29, scoring her a Platinum Presidential Scholarship at her university.
  • The current 1-2 star reviews are being a bit unfair. They are complaining about the version. To be honest, I don't know why you would want tests in the kindle version anyway, you want to take the tests on paper as you would in the test room. This book is the same as the previous edition, but they added a completely new test. I am a self-employed full-time test prep tutor and certified teacher running up to ten years of experience. The CONTENT of the book is what I'm reviewing, and I love practice tests. The new practice test is refreshing, they are also keeping the price point the same as previously, thus increasing the overall value of the book.
  • The book itself is great, offers the practice tests and explanation of answers which has been helpful for my daughter. I purchased this book NEW and when she got to one of the practice tests, there was writing on it, strategies written, and part of the test had answers chosen. So this was NOT a new book. I’m am passed the window to return it and the ACT is Saturday so that isn’t even practical. I never thought to thumb through the entire book to ensure the tests were not written on. Disappointed in for selling a USED product as NEW.
More aboutDownload The Official ACT Prep Guide 201819 Edition Book + Bonus Online Content ACT Books

Download IL CERVELLO E I SUOI SEGRETI Cervello e intelligenza sviluppare la memoria e coscienza mente e psicologia cognitiva neuroscienze cognitive intelligenza sociale neurologia Italian Edition edition by Morgan Keirstead Professional Technical eBooks

By Madge Garrett

Download IL CERVELLO E I SUOI SEGRETI Cervello e intelligenza sviluppare la memoria e coscienza mente e psicologia cognitiva neuroscienze cognitive intelligenza sociale neurologia Italian Edition edition by Morgan Keirstead Professional Technical eBooks

Download As PDF : IL CERVELLO E I SUOI SEGRETI Cervello e intelligenza sviluppare la memoria e coscienza mente e psicologia cognitiva neuroscienze cognitive intelligenza sociale neurologia Italian Edition edition by Morgan Keirstead Professional Technical eBooks

Download PDF IL CERVELLO E I SUOI SEGRETI Cervello e intelligenza sviluppare la memoria e coscienza mente e psicologia cognitiva neuroscienze cognitive intelligenza  sociale neurologia Italian Edition  edition by Morgan Keirstead Professional Technical eBooks


Se sei una di quelle persone interessate alle neuroscienze, al funzionamento del cervello, alla psicologia, e a tutto ciò che riguarda la mente, allora ti sarai sicuramente posto una serie di domande

Come funziona realmente il cervello? Cos’è la MENTE?


Che cos’è l’INTELLIGENZA? Come funzionano i nostri processi di APPRENDIMENTO?

Anch’io all’inizio del percorso di neuroscienze mi ponevo continuamente queste domande…

Ho deciso quindi di scrivere questo libro per portarti all’interno di questa straordinaria macchina e farti conoscere alcuni dei suoi SEGRETI

Se cerchi delle risposte e sei affascinato dai meccanismi della MENTE, allora qui troverai gli spunti di riflessione necessari…

Ho creato quindi un libro che possa aiutarti a comprendere più da vicino il funzionamento del cervello, in modo scorrevole, con esempi chiari su alcuni dei nostri meccanismi psicologici.

Un libro SEMPLICE e INTUITIVO, e pieno di spunti di riflessione.

Ecco cosa imparerai in questo libro

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  • LE QUATTRO FACCE DEL CERVELLO Imparerai che il cervello svolge svariate funzioni oltre quelle a cui siamo abituati a pensare, e prenderai consapevolezza di queste.
  • INTUIZIONE Imparerai a fare chiarezza su questo termine che viene troppo spesso confuso con altre capacità.
  • LA MENTE Imparerai cos’è la mente da diversi punti di vista della scienza moderna e antica, comprenderai quali sono le attuali linee di pensiero e potrai rispondere alle tue domande.
  • INTELLIGENZA O INTELLIGENZE? Imparerai cosa si intende in realtà per intelligenza e per INTELLIGENZA EMOTIVA quali sono stati gli errori fatti in passato e come viene interpretato oggi questo concetto.
  • CERVELLO E COMPUTER Potrai riflettere sulle somiglianze tra queste due macchine, in base alle teorie computazionali, e potrai comprendere quali sono i punti al centro del dibattito odierno.
  • GLI ATTORI DELLA MENTE In quest’ultima parte imparerai a conoscere le funzioni delle nostre emozioni, soprattutto della paura, o dei vari stadi della paura che influenzano i nostri comportamenti


Questo libro NON contiene tecniche “segrete” di potenziamento, quindi non aspettarti di diventare un genio dopo averlo letto.

Questo libro offre molti spunti di riflessione, ed ha solo lo scopo di arricchire la conoscenza del lettore.

Ho dedicato anni allo studio delle neuroscienze e conosco quali sono le difficoltà iniziali… Questo libro ti regalerà una nuova visione sul funzionamento del nostro cervello.

Se ti senti pronto ad iniziare questo viaggio e scoprire cos’è la mente e quali sono i meccanismi che si nascondono al suo interno, allora non potrai fare a meno di questo libro!

-Acquista la versione cartacea di questo libro e potrai acquistare GRATUITAMENTE l’ebook da portare sempre nel tuo smartphone.

Download IL CERVELLO E I SUOI SEGRETI Cervello e intelligenza sviluppare la memoria e coscienza mente e psicologia cognitiva neuroscienze cognitive intelligenza sociale neurologia Italian Edition edition by Morgan Keirstead Professional Technical eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 9094 KB
  • Print Length 182 pages
  • Publication Date March 22, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian

Read IL CERVELLO E I SUOI SEGRETI Cervello e intelligenza sviluppare la memoria e coscienza mente e psicologia cognitiva neuroscienze cognitive intelligenza  sociale neurologia Italian Edition  edition by Morgan Keirstead Professional Technical eBooks

Tags : Buy IL CERVELLO E I SUOI SEGRETI Cervello e intelligenza, sviluppare la memoria e coscienza, mente e psicologia cognitiva, neuroscienze cognitive, intelligenza ... sociale, neurologia (Italian Edition) Read Reviews - ,ebook,Morgan Keirstead,IL CERVELLO E I SUOI SEGRETI Cervello e intelligenza, sviluppare la memoria e coscienza, mente e psicologia cognitiva, neuroscienze cognitive, intelligenza ... sociale, neurologia (Italian Edition),Medical / Neurology,Science / Life Sciences / Biology

IL CERVELLO E I SUOI SEGRETI Cervello e intelligenza sviluppare la memoria e coscienza mente e psicologia cognitiva neuroscienze cognitive intelligenza sociale neurologia Italian Edition edition by Morgan Keirstead Professional Technical eBooks Reviews :

More aboutDownload IL CERVELLO E I SUOI SEGRETI Cervello e intelligenza sviluppare la memoria e coscienza mente e psicologia cognitiva neuroscienze cognitive intelligenza sociale neurologia Italian Edition edition by Morgan Keirstead Professional Technical eBooks

Download PDF Identity of the Heart A Hidden Hearts Novel Mary Crawford 9781945637230 Books

By Madge Garrett

Download PDF Identity of the Heart A Hidden Hearts Novel Mary Crawford 9781945637230 Books

Product details

  • Series A Hidden Hearts Novel (Book 1)
  • Paperback 457 pages
  • Publisher Diversity Ink Press (February 7, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1945637234

Identity of the Heart A Hidden Hearts Novel Mary Crawford 9781945637230 Books Reviews

  • Computer Glitch Romance! As a computer programmer, I loved the premise of this story. I can totally see this happening. And because there are twins in my family, much of the 'twin stuff' was fun to read, too. Not every computer programmer makes as big as Tristan, but I like his character for the way he handles the money he has. This was a win. I read the book as a subscriber to Unlimited. Some of the books I read in KU are not good, but I enjoyed this one.
  • For those of you who complain about lack of character development, this book has it in spades. Too much so. There is some romance but it is really about relationships; all kinds of relationships.

    I did care enough about the characters to finish reading the book but it is really not my cup of tea and I won't be reading another book by this author.
  • This was an interesting premise for a book. I enjoyed the story but it was hard to get through sometimes due to the way it was written. It flipped between the point of view of the 4 characters, and while each chapter had the character's name as the heading, it was hard to tell whose point of view you were reading as you went through the chapter. It was all in the same voice. Sometimes the dialogue was written without a distinction of who was saying which line, and that was confusing too.
  • This story, when one tries to describe it, seems too convoluted to be true but comes off entirely plausible. How many of us, especially those of us "onlies," often felt as if we were part of some impossible " pair? " This was true for Rogue and Ivy. Add two incredible guys, Marcus and Tristan, 4 insane senses of humor, abundant wealth, burgeoning love, mystery and mayhem, and this enchanting story happens. Me Crawford is a true craftsman at capturing and portraying the many facets of the heart.
  • WOW! Identical twins separated at birth, their parents lied to and a stolen identity.

    When Ivy contacts Tristan Macklin about possibly having her identity stolen, neither realized the amount of emotional turmoil they were going to uncover.

    This series is great as I'm binge reading and received the notice that I had to return some of the books! Mary Crawford discusses many different aspects of different types of life in this series ~
  • Love this book from the start. Made my heart sing and cry. Awesome story line made you. Really feel like you a part of all that was going on. Can't wait to read more of Mary Crawford books. Clearly I think you should get this book.
  • A very intriguing story that catches your interest and holds it through many twists and turns until the very end! It's hard to put down, but exciting to pick back up as you can't guess what is going to happen next. Can't wait to read the next story in this series by an extremely talented author! Have to go look for it now. Join me in reading this series and I hope you enjoy it as much as I am!
  • A sexy on line dating service, her best friend posted pictures of her, big time. His buddies were playing pool, maybe she could find someone to get out of her rut. Read on and find Ivy and Rogue were separated at birth, comparing notes on the men they are attracted to. Four main characters in this story, more about the relationships their have. Interesting to read.
More aboutDownload PDF Identity of the Heart A Hidden Hearts Novel Mary Crawford 9781945637230 Books

Read Einführung in die Theoretische Physik Klassische Mechanik mit mathematischen Methoden German Edition Robin Santra 9783662585207 Books

By Madge Garrett on Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Read Einführung in die Theoretische Physik Klassische Mechanik mit mathematischen Methoden German Edition Robin Santra 9783662585207 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 273 pages
  • Publisher Springer Spektrum; 1. Aufl. 2019 edition (March 20, 2019)
  • Language German
  • ISBN-10 3662585200

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Read Seedlings of William Foster Book I Adrienne Potter Flavius Milton Foster 9781799148937 Books

By Madge Garrett

Read Seedlings of William Foster Book I Adrienne Potter Flavius Milton Foster 9781799148937 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 87 pages
  • Publisher Independently published (March 8, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1799148939

Seedlings of William Foster Book I Adrienne Potter Flavius Milton Foster 9781799148937 Books Reviews

  • Includes the history, parentage, and descendants of William Peyton Foster, as well as the histories of the Fosters and related families who battled the early frontier.
More aboutRead Seedlings of William Foster Book I Adrienne Potter Flavius Milton Foster 9781799148937 Books

Download Une danse virginale Une Romance de Milliardaire French Edition edition by Camile Deneuve Romance eBooks

By Madge Garrett

Download Une danse virginale Une Romance de Milliardaire French Edition edition by Camile Deneuve Romance eBooks

Download As PDF : Une danse virginale Une Romance de Milliardaire French Edition edition by Camile Deneuve Romance eBooks

Download PDF Une danse virginale Une Romance de Milliardaire French Edition  edition by Camile Deneuve Romance eBooks

Cela m’a prise par surprise, mais maintenant je n’arrête pas de penser à lui.

Pilot Scamo. Photographe de renommée mondiale. Milliardaire. Homme beau à tomber. Homme brisé.
Il a presque deux fois mon âge, mais je n’ai jamais ressenti cette connexion auparavant...
Je la ressens partout, dans mon cœur, dans ma tête, dans mon corps.
Je ressens une décharge électrique quand il me touche, m’embrasse, quand il me fait l’amour avec passion.
Il est enivrant et tout ce que je veux maintenant c’est le tenir dans mes bras, le protéger, l’aimer.
Vont-ils nous laisser faire ? Nous avons tous les deux une histoire si sombre, tant de gens contre nous.
Je me battrai pour toi, Pilot, même si ça me coûte tout... Je me battrai pour toi...

Découvrez un roman romantique complet, autonome et érotique. Pas de trahison, pas de suspense et une fin heureuse garantie.

Download Une danse virginale Une Romance de Milliardaire French Edition edition by Camile Deneuve Romance eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 4802 KB
  • Print Length 197 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date April 8, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language French

Read Une danse virginale Une Romance de Milliardaire French Edition  edition by Camile Deneuve Romance eBooks

Tags : Une danse virginale Une Romance de Milliardaire (French Edition) - edition by Camile Deneuve. Romance eBooks @ .,ebook,Camile Deneuve,Une danse virginale Une Romance de Milliardaire (French Edition),Fiction / Romance / Contemporary,Fiction / Romance / Suspense

Une danse virginale Une Romance de Milliardaire French Edition edition by Camile Deneuve Romance eBooks Reviews :

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Download The Trial of Lizzie Borden eBook Cara Robertson

By Madge Garrett on Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Download The Trial of Lizzie Borden eBook Cara Robertson

Download As PDF : The Trial of Lizzie Borden eBook Cara Robertson

Download PDF The Trial of Lizzie Borden eBook Cara Robertson

The remarkable new account of an essential piece of American mythology—the trial of Lizzie Borden—based on twenty years of research and recently unearthed evidence.

The Trial of Lizzie Borden tells the true story of one of the most sensational murder trials in American history. When Andrew and Abby Borden were brutally hacked to death in Fall River, Massachusetts, in August 1892, the arrest of the couple’s younger daughter Lizzie turned the case into international news and her trial into a spectacle unparalleled in American history. Reporters flocked to the scene. Well-known columnists took up conspicuous seats in the courtroom. The defendant was relentlessly scrutinized for signs of guilt or innocence. Everyone—rich and poor, suffragists and social conservatives, legal scholars and laypeople—had an opinion about Lizzie Borden’s guilt or innocence. Was she a cold-blooded murderess or an unjustly persecuted lady? Did she or didn’t she?

The popular fascination with the Borden murders and its central enigmatic character has endured for more than one hundred years. Immortalized in rhyme, told and retold in every conceivable genre, the murders have secured a place in the American pantheon of mythic horror, but one typically wrenched from its historical moment. In contrast, Cara Robertson explores the stories Lizzie Borden’s culture wanted and expected to hear and how those stories influenced the debate inside and outside of the courtroom. Based on transcripts of the Borden legal proceedings, contemporary newspaper accounts, unpublished local accounts, and recently unearthed letters from Lizzie herself, The Trial of Lizzie Borden offers a window onto America in the Gilded Age, showcasing its most deeply held convictions and its most troubling social anxieties.

Download The Trial of Lizzie Borden eBook Cara Robertson

"Before you buy this book, ask yourself what you are really interested in. Are you interested in the tale of Lizzie Borden? Are you interested in the legend? Lizzie, herself? Are you interested in the life and theories of inconsequential newsmen and women? Maybe a scholar or two who has something to say about new ways of discovering data...but has nothing really to do with Lizzie Borden. So many of us see "Lizzie Borden" in a title and immediately click on it, wrongfully assuming that it will be another excellent read. And that's where you will be woefully disappointed. I'm not blaming anyone for me buying this kindle read. But it was not what I thought it would be. I'm not interested in far fetched ideas that are thrown in for no other reason than to throw them in. What does it have to do with the case of Lizzie Borden. Nothing. I don't need to know about the lawyers and their upbringing and law school. These are people who would be nothing in history, if not for Lizzie Borden. I want to hear about HER. Just a really awful book."

Product details

  • File Size 89030 KB
  • Print Length 400 pages
  • Publisher Simon & Schuster (March 12, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 12, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read The Trial of Lizzie Borden eBook Cara Robertson

Tags : The Trial of Lizzie Borden - edition by Cara Robertson. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Trial of Lizzie Borden.,ebook,Cara Robertson,The Trial of Lizzie Borden,Simon Schuster,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Criminals Outlaws,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Criminals Outlaws.,Biography Autobiography/Criminals Outlaws,Borden, Lizzie - Trials, litigation, etc,GENERAL,General Adult,History,INFAMOUS CRIMES AND CRIMINALS,Law/Criminal Law - General,Legal aspects,MURDER,Non-Fiction,SOCIAL SCIENCE / Criminology,Social Science/Criminology,TRUE CRIME / Murder / General,TRUE CRIME / Murder / General.,The Trial of Lizzie Borden; Cara Robertson; nonfiction; crime; true crime; murder; murderess; cold case; hatchet; ax; axe; sensationalized journalism; media sensation; The Borden Murders; Lizzie Borden; the gilded age; nineteenth century; Fall River; Massachusetts; Maplecroft; Lizzie Borden Took an Ax; Christina Ricci; The Lizzie Borden Chronicles; lizzie borden song; lizzie borden movie; lizzie borden trailer; lizzie borden house; lizzie borden maid; my favorite murder; lizzie borden costume; Chloë Sevigny; kristen stewart; lizzie borden gay; #deadicated; #ssdgm; lizzi eborden; maddie ziegler; true crime audiobook; true crime podcasts; paul holes; billy jenson; murder squad; true crime books; best true crime podcasts; death becomes us; lizzie the musical; lizzie borden musical,The Trial of Lizzie Borden; Cara Robertson; paul holes; billy jenson; murder squad; true crime books; best true crime podcasts; lizzie the musical; lizzie borden musical; death becomes us; nonfiction; lizzie borden; lizzie borden song; lizzie borden movie; lizzie borden trailer; lizzie borden house; lizzie borden maid; my favorite murder; lizzie borden costume; Chloë Sevigny; kristen stewart; lizzie borden gay; #deadicated; #ssdgm; crime; true crime; murder; murderess; cold case; hatchet; ax; axe; sensationalized journalism; media sensation; The Borden Murders; Lizzie Borden; the gilded age; nineteenth century; Fall River; Massachusetts; Maplecroft; Lizzie Borden Took an Ax; Christina Ricci; The Lizzie Borden Chronicles; lizzi eborden; maddie ziegler; true crime audiobook; true crime podcasts;,Trials (Murder) - Massachusetts - New Bedford - History - 19th century,Trials (Murder);Massachusetts;New Bedford;History;19th century.,True Crime,True crime stories,United States,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Criminals Outlaws,Biography Autobiography/Criminals Outlaws,Law/Criminal Law - General,SOCIAL SCIENCE / Criminology,Social Science/Criminology,TRUE CRIME / Murder / General

The Trial of Lizzie Borden eBook Cara Robertson Reviews :

The Trial of Lizzie Borden eBook Cara Robertson Reviews

  • Before you buy this book, ask yourself what you are really interested in. Are you interested in the tale of Lizzie Borden? Are you interested in the legend? Lizzie, herself? Are you interested in the life and theories of inconsequential newsmen and women? Maybe a scholar or two who has something to say about new ways of discovering data...but has nothing really to do with Lizzie Borden. So many of us see "Lizzie Borden" in a title and immediately click on it, wrongfully assuming that it will be another excellent read. And that's where you will be woefully disappointed. I'm not blaming anyone for me buying this kindle read. But it was not what I thought it would be. I'm not interested in far fetched ideas that are thrown in for no other reason than to throw them in. What does it have to do with the case of Lizzie Borden. Nothing. I don't need to know about the lawyers and their upbringing and law school. These are people who would be nothing in history, if not for Lizzie Borden. I want to hear about HER. Just a really awful book.
  • I was so looking forward to this book. But at 12% on the where Mr. Knowlton “mansplained” some information to Lizzie, I’m done. This pejorative word really caught in my chest and tells me this book probably isn’t for me (male). I am so disappointed.
  • Most people are familiar with the murder that Lizzie Borden was accused of as there have been numerous books and movies based on it. In August of 1892, Lizzie’s father and stepmother were brutally murdered in their home. Lizzie was accused of the murder and the trial became a sensationalized spectacle. People then and now all have different opinions of what happened that day in Fall River, Massachusetts. Was Lizzie a guilty murderess or was she wrongly accused?

    I have read many accounts of this murder and even saw a play based on it. Ms. Robertson’s book is one of the most extensively researched and unbiased accounts I’ve read. This most definitely does not read like a historical novel as well it shouldn’t, though never ceased to hold my interest. This is a fact-based accounting based on Ms. Robertson’s twenty years of research. The book itself ended at 65%, the rest being a list of notes detailing the source of almost every sentence in the book.

    What I found the most impressive about the book was that the author includes much information about society at the time of the murder and the way people perceived women. The men on Lizzie’s jury just couldn’t imagine a lady such as Lizzie committing such an atrocious act. For a women to do what was done to these two victims, she would have had to have been a monster and that would have shown in her countenance. The book also touches on what was thought to be the cause of “hysteria” in women.
    The book not only covers the trial in detail but also the discussions that were taking place outside of the courtroom and newspaper accountings, as well as rumors. Another plus is that the book is chock full of photos that help the details to life.

    A must read for true life crime readers. Highly recommended.
  • Cara Robertson has written a fine book that wonderfully weaves the context of the Trial proceedings into a “you are there” narrative flush with new insights and deft storytelling, exposing the female-suppressed culture of the Gilded Age. Drawing heavily from the Trial transcript and newspapers of the day, she tells this oft-told tale in a new way that forces the reader to reflect on the cultural influences of the era and the why and how of its sensationalism, final outcome, and enduring appeal.

    Well read Lizzie Borden scholars will hear in the narrative echos of previously published books on the case which have been “go to” resources for decades, but probably my favorite sentence in the whole book is this “Combining the enduring emotional force of myth and more prosaic intellectual challenge of a detective story, it is a ‘locked door’ mystery written by Sophocles.” (Kudos, Cara)

    The book credits almost all the photographs therein to the Fall River Historical Society where, sadly, the wrong image of a purported Uncle John Vinnicum Morse is actually that of his (and sister Sarah’s) brother, William Bradford Morse. I know this to be a fact because William’s photograph is included in one of several family albums to be found at the Swansea Historical Society, housed at the Swansea Public Library – a place where I have visited for research several times. William’s name is handwritten in pencil above his image.

    The image on the left is the actual John V. Morse and has appeared in countless books and documentaries. William, who was in Excelsior, Minnesota during the murders (as he had been most of his life) did, however, resemble his brother, John. (It should be noted that when I brought this error to the attention of the FRHS, I was informed they had documentation from a relative of the Morse family asserting the photograph of William was John. This fails to explain the decades of the other photograph being cited as John with credit to the FRHS).

    A more blatant error appears on page 278 where the author writes of post Trial notoriety and states “Papers printed improbable reports of engagements, including a betrothal to one of her former jurors.” There is no source citation in the end notes to this statement, however, it has been widely reported of the December 10, 1896 Fall River Herald News report citing a “Swansea school teacher” as the subject of this rumor. That person was, in fact, Orrin Gardner.

    Ms. Robertson’s deft handling of Knowlton’s lengthy summation strips his elegant oratory to the persuasive essentials the prosecution’s case was based on Lizzie’s exclusive opportunity and that the victims did not die at the same time -and that these were the controlling facts of the case.

    As to why Lizzie remained in Fall River the entire second half of her life, the author speculates with an allegorical reference to Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter “It may seem marvelous, that, with the world before her….this woman should still call that place her home, where and where only, she must needs be the type of shame. But there is a fatality, a feeling so irresistible and inevitable that it had the force of doom, which almost invariably compels human beings to linger around and haunt ghost-like, the spot where some great and marked recent event has given color to their lifetime, and still the more irresistibly, the darker the tinge that saddens it.” (And here one can pause to ponder Donald Woods’ appropriate marketing of Maplecroft).

    While I was impressed with Cara Robertson’s fresh narrative point of view, my overall expectations of the book fell short considering the author’s background. There were far too many errors. There was no new information, and indeed it seemed peppered with the redundancy of other known works. I had been anticipating more given her years of research on the case and her impeccable credentials. That said, I still highly recommend this book to anyone interested in this case and specifically to those interested in the Gilded Age and its cultural impact on women.

    -Faye Musselman
    Cypress, CA
More aboutDownload The Trial of Lizzie Borden eBook Cara Robertson

Read Habits Greyford High Book 2 eBook Anna B Doe

By Madge Garrett

Read Habits Greyford High Book 2 eBook Anna B Doe

Download As PDF : Habits Greyford High Book 2 eBook Anna B Doe

Download PDF Habits Greyford High Book 2 eBook Anna B Doe

A brand new standalone in Greyford High series!
How can something so wrong feel so good? Greyford's bad boy finds his match in the ice queen...

Senior year.
Three girls. Three guys.
Secrets and lies.
Demons of past and present.
Old insecurities and new fears.
One more year left to pretend.
One more year to wreck it all.
The countdown begins.

All Jeanette Sanders wanted to do was escape her past and forget everything that has happened. Coming to Greyford was supposed to be her new beginning, a clean slate. Only it seems like her past doesn’t want to let her go. As her old insecurities start to return in full force and lies grow bigger than ever, the only thing left is the hope that her broken heart will survive this time around.

Andrew Hill has been betrayed one too many times in the past. Cynical and cold-hearted, he closed off his heart for good and doesn’t plan on letting anybody in ever again. Especially women. But his heart doesn’t seem to care and starts beating faster every time a particular black-haired beauty gets in his way and puts him in his place.

He wants her body, not her heart. She tries to resist him, but the pull is too much.

They know they’re all wrong for each other, but some habits are too sweet to give up.

Read Habits Greyford High Book 2 eBook Anna B Doe

"Oh lord these two are like fire and ice. Andrew and Jeanette have that love/hate relationship that will make your head spin.

Andrew has scars that run deep from a mother who took off and a rich daddy who doesn’t give him the time of day. He is thought to be a daddy’s boy but the truth is his home life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.

Jeanette is trying to move on from a past that has left her broken. Moving to a new town she meets Amelia and Brook who she doesn’t really know if she can call friends. For Jeanette It’s safer to be alone and to protect your heart from the world. Lia is super sweet and nice but Brook is a whole another story.

When Drew and Jeanette’s world collide it is EPIC. The chemistry is AMAZING and will definitely give you all the feels. This book has so many twist and turns it will leave your head spinning. My heart broke for both these broken souls. There is so much the world just couldn’t see. Will Drew and Jeanette find solace in each other or will the past rear it’s ugly head and destroy it all? The last book in this series can’t come quick enough!"

Product details

  • File Size 6369 KB
  • Print Length 354 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date March 27, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read Habits Greyford High Book 2 eBook Anna B Doe

Tags : Habits (Greyford High Book 2) - edition by Anna B. Doe. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Habits (Greyford High Book 2).,ebook,Anna B. Doe,Habits (Greyford High Book 2),Juvenile Fiction / Love Romance,Fiction / Romance / New Adult

Habits Greyford High Book 2 eBook Anna B Doe Reviews :

Habits Greyford High Book 2 eBook Anna B Doe Reviews

  • High School Has Never Been So HOT!!
    I just can’t get enough of the Greyford High Series! Alpha hotties that will heat things up and keep things interesting!

    Andrew and Jeanette seem like the most unlikely match. Two people, who see themselves as broken, will be exactly what the other needs to be made whole.

    Andrew is the school party boy. He's on the hockey team with his buddies and he's a bit of a mess. He hooks up, gets drunk and does whatever he wants. He's gone off the rails with no direction. The pain he harbors has led him down this path of self-destruction.

    Jeanette carries her own pain. New in town, introverted and holding onto secrets and self-hatred that eats away at her more each day. She's not good at making connections but she is drawn to Andrew.

    Andrew and Jeanette have a connection. Not necessarily one that either wants, but one they cannot deny. When they come together it is all sparks and all-consuming. They may not be what the other wants, but each is exactly what the other needs.

    This story tackles difficult topics that we face today. It addresses them with respect and concern. I felt their pain and their struggle. A well-written story that makes you think and feel. This YA romance will heat things up and keep you wanting more! You will love to hate Andrew but in the end he will score your heart!
  • Anna B. Doe gave Andrew and Jeanette, separately, teenage coming-of-age stories, both carrying pain and feeling discarded, needing acceptance and to heal. Together, they find solace in each other, though they try to fight it, and ultimately find love. A fantastic story!
  • Wow this story does cut deep!!! Loved the characters and what they had to overcome just to get through the day!!
  • If you’ve read Lines you have been introduced to Andrew and Jeanette. I have been looking forward to their story since we first met them. I knew there was something more to them, something that pointed to the way the both acted, but this was not what I even expected, it was so much more.
    Andrew is a womanizer and Jeanette is known as the ice queen. Of course, Andrew enjoys annoying her but there is also an attraction between the two. Jeanette is fighting her attraction to Andrew, she knows she should go to him, but she can’t help it. What happens when secrets come out and these two give into each other?
    I was not expecting this story. I knew that each of their back stories would be deep and emotional, but they were nothing like I expected. It was a great surprise. I loved this story. It was emotional, it was sweet, and it was steamy. Andrew is a character you can’t help but hate, but by the end of this I was swooning over him.
    I enjoyed this story so much more than Lines. It was more emotional, it was hotter, and I felt like we got to know the characters better. Plus, the banter between Andrew and Jeanette was fantastic.
    I can’t wait for book 3 to come out!
  • Oh lord these two are like fire and ice. Andrew and Jeanette have that love/hate relationship that will make your head spin.

    Andrew has scars that run deep from a mother who took off and a rich daddy who doesn’t give him the time of day. He is thought to be a daddy’s boy but the truth is his home life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.

    Jeanette is trying to move on from a past that has left her broken. Moving to a new town she meets Amelia and Brook who she doesn’t really know if she can call friends. For Jeanette It’s safer to be alone and to protect your heart from the world. Lia is super sweet and nice but Brook is a whole another story.

    When Drew and Jeanette’s world collide it is EPIC. The chemistry is AMAZING and will definitely give you all the feels. This book has so many twist and turns it will leave your head spinning. My heart broke for both these broken souls. There is so much the world just couldn’t see. Will Drew and Jeanette find solace in each other or will the past rear it’s ugly head and destroy it all? The last book in this series can’t come quick enough!
  • 4.5 / 5 stars!

    Jeanette and Andrew had chemistry that couldn't be denied and a deeper connection that no one but two completely broken people could understand. They were so different yet so similar. The darkness that consumed each of them could only be recognized by someone who was drowning in the same feelings.

    Andrew was an affluent, athletic, playboy who never let a female get too close to him for more than a steamy night. Coming from a broken family, he found solace in hockey and his friends. He was spending much of his time battling his inner demons and losing. Something had to give before he completely self destructed.

    Anette was running from her past and unfortunately her family was paying the price. She'd vowed to do right by them and never get close to anyone in her new town and new school. She cared more about her twin brother Max than herself. She put everyone else first, even if it left her shattered and alone. No one would find out what she was battling, until she opened up and confided in the one person she knew she shouldn't have.

    This book went in a direction I'd never expected and had me feeling things I didn't anticipate. What a whirlwind of emotions packed into the pages of this read! So much hurt, deception, courage, trust, betrayal and vulnerability!

    I absolutely loved this book and how emotional it was but also how freaking steamy the passion between the two main characters got! It was a constant push and pull between these two. I adored the little tidbits of Derek and Lia's relationship and couldn't get enough of sidekick Brook. Anna did an incredible job with the second book in the series. I can't wait to read more of the Greyford High crew!
More aboutRead Habits Greyford High Book 2 eBook Anna B Doe

Ebook Guided Meditations for Kids Meditation Exercises for Children Audible Audio Edition Glenn OlsenKerr Ivy Starlight Books

By Madge Garrett

Ebook Guided Meditations for Kids Meditation Exercises for Children Audible Audio Edition Glenn OlsenKerr Ivy Starlight Books

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 3 hours and 1 minute
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Original recording
  • Publisher Glenn Olsen-Kerr
  • Audible.com Release Date March 5, 2019
  • Language English, English

More aboutEbook Guided Meditations for Kids Meditation Exercises for Children Audible Audio Edition Glenn OlsenKerr Ivy Starlight Books

Read Heart Talk Poetic Wisdom for a Better Life Cleo Wade 9781501177347 Books

By Madge Garrett on Monday, May 27, 2019

Read Heart Talk Poetic Wisdom for a Better Life Cleo Wade 9781501177347 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 224 pages
  • Publisher 37 Ink (March 6, 2018)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1501177346

Heart Talk Poetic Wisdom for a Better Life Cleo Wade 9781501177347 Books Reviews

  • Having followed Cleo on Instagram for a while (accidentally, but gratefully,) I preordered her book as soon as I heard of it. Heart Talk is pure love and inspiration, I’m so glad I have it.

    Cleo is an optimistic, loving, forgiving, cherishing, empowering voice in a world of nihilism, hatred, blame, doubt, and degradation. In simple words she reminds us to seek kindness in the world and in ourselves, reminds us to love ourselves and each other, and to always strive to be our best authentic souls. Where one reviewer saw a “word soup of incomprehensible nonsense“, I saw beautiful thoughts of love and emotional nourishment.

    I don’t believe that a book has to have a lot of words in it to be powerful. It just has to have the right words in it, and Heart Talk has a lot of the right words.
  • I've already bought this book twice and plan to keep buying more copies... it will be my go-to gift for everyone until everyone has one. It's a MUST READ... especially because you don't ever "lose your place" or feel like you can't find a good place to stop. Such short, fantastic punch-you-in-the-face-with-beautiful-words advice and poems that you'll find your social media covered in pictures of the pages. ) Love it so much. Did I mention I love this book?
  • Every night before I start my meditation app I read a few pages of Heart Talk. I feel like it helps me go to sleep with a peaceful and hopeful state of mind. When I wake up the next day, I wake up with a positive and compassionate mindset.
  • This book is beautiful. I feel like every page was written just for me. It made me cry. It made me want to buy ten copies to send to all my loved ones. Thank you, Cleo.
  • I highly recommend gifting this book to yourself and everyone in your life. With that said, apologize to them in advance because the font this book is written in is almost as bad as Curlz or Comic Sans, no joke. Font aside, this book is a quick read with feel good messages and wisdom that comes from a truly beautiful and mindful woman, Cleo Wade. Just buy the damn book #selflove
  • Cleo Wade beautifully expresses her message of love, hope, and inspiration. She has one of the strongest voices of this generation and an authentic style that portrays a universe of emotion in a single sentence. I found the magic of Cleo’s wisdom when I needed it the most and I’m grateful that her artistry will be able to help others. Bought a copy for myself today and will be buying many more as gifts for my tribe❤️
  • Lovely reading, positive and uplifting. One of those books you keep turning back to just to peruse again. I keep it on my coffee table and guests flip through it smiling.....I also gave it as gifts to several people with good feedback from them !!!! If you have a hard to buy for person on your list - seriously consider this book.
  • I cannot love this book any more! I have already bought several copies to share with close friend and even a stranger I met who I felt might be in need of this book. I read one or two passages every morning. The Universe has an uncanny way of sharing the exact wisdom, reminder or kick in the pants just when I needed it. Thank you Cleo Wade for reminding us all that we are more than enough to spread the love this world needs.
More aboutRead Heart Talk Poetic Wisdom for a Better Life Cleo Wade 9781501177347 Books

Download PDF Guarire dai traumi dal concepimento alla nascita Originarsi Italian Edition edition by Andrea Pangos Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

By Madge Garrett

Download PDF Guarire dai traumi dal concepimento alla nascita Originarsi Italian Edition edition by Andrea Pangos Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

Download As PDF : Guarire dai traumi dal concepimento alla nascita Originarsi Italian Edition edition by Andrea Pangos Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

Download PDF Guarire dai traumi dal concepimento alla nascita Originarsi Italian Edition  edition by Andrea Pangos Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

Lo scopo primario del libro Guarire dai traumi dal concepimento alla nascita, è offrire soluzioni concrete per la guarigione individuale e familiare da questi traumi, anche attraverso
1) la presentazione del metodo Guarire dai traumi dal concepimento alla nascita;
2) l'apertura a influssi evolutivi qualitativi, che avviene spontaneamente attraverso la lettura.

Lavoro integrale singolo e famiglia
Il metodo evolutivo proposto aiuta direttamente chi ne fruisce, ma influisce positivamente anche su coloro che sono stati coinvolti nell'evento concepimento-gravidanza-nascita il nascituro, i genitori, fratelli e sorelle, i nonni, la famiglia in generale, ma anche la collettività nel suo complesso; non esistono sistemi veramente isolati.
Il metodo Guarire dai traumi dal concepimento alla nascita, è pertanto anche uno strumento per sanare l'albero genealogico, maturando se stessi come illuminante centro di consapevolezza. Il metodo fa parte di un sistema più ampio Guarigione e consapevolezza familiare, studiato per chi vuole migliorare le dinamiche famigliari, soprattutto migliorando se stesso. La presentazione di questo sistema si trova sul sito andreapangos.it, nella sezione corsi e metodi.
Il metodo Guarire dai traumi dal concepimento alla nascita, è un modo per lavorare su se stessi sia nel ruolo di figlio-figlia, sia nel ruolo di genitori. Per chi non ha ancora attuato il ruolo di genitore, utilizzare gli strumenti evolutivi proposti, aiuta a migliorare la qualità di eventuali futuri processi genitoriali. Chi invece è impossibilitato, per vari motivi, ad avere un futuro da genitore, può beneficiare lo stesso del metodo, anche per sanare traumi derivanti dal sentire di non aver realizzato il ruolo genitoriale.

Aiutare altri e attività terapeutica
Il metodo Guarire i traumi dal concepimento alla nascita, è adatto anche per aiutare direttamente altri.
Può essere utilizzato sia da terapeuti professionisti, sia da chi non svolge attività terapeutica, ma vuole aiutare conoscenti, familiari, amici, o altri, a guarire, purificarsi, consapevolizzarsi, risolvere problemi.
Il metodo è quindi anche uno strumento per maturare un elemento fondamentale per la crescita spirituale l'empatia, che matura anche aiutando il prossimo. Le spiegazioni su come usare il metodo per aiutare altri, si trovano a pagina 18.

Raggio d'azione del metodo
Il metodo Guarigione dai traumi dal concepimento alla nascita, favorisce
-la guarigione da traumi psichici in generale, ma soprattutto da traumi concernenti la fase concepimento, gravidanza, nascita-parto;
- la guarigione fisica in generale e, soprattutto, la guarigione da patologie direttamente correlate ai traumi della fase concepimento - gravidanza - nascita;
- la guarigione delle dinamiche familiari, consce e inconsce;
-la guarigione dai traumi riguardanti eventuali aborti, sia personali sia nell'ambito della famiglia;
- la consapevolizzazione del processo di incarnazione;
- il riconoscimento e l'elevazione della missione spirituale
- la purificazione e l’illuminazione dell'albero genealogico;
- la soluzione di problemi familiari, di coppia, professionali, finanziari e altri, soprattutto di quelli collegati direttamente con i traumi, personali e familiari, relativi a concepimento-gravidanza-parto;
- il miglioramento della qualità di future fecondazioni, gravidanze e nascite, nell'ambito familiare;
- l'ottimizzazione della vita sessuale, emozionale e mentale;
- il miglioramento del destino astrologico.

Download PDF Guarire dai traumi dal concepimento alla nascita Originarsi Italian Edition edition by Andrea Pangos Health Fitness Dieting eBooks


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  • File Size 1110 KB
  • Print Length 21 pages
  • Publication Date April 11, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian

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Tags : Guarire dai traumi dal concepimento alla nascita (Originarsi) (Italian Edition) - edition by Andrea Pangos. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Guarire dai traumi dal concepimento alla nascita (Originarsi) (Italian Edition).,ebook,Andrea Pangos,Guarire dai traumi dal concepimento alla nascita (Originarsi) (Italian Edition),Body, Mind Spirit / Inspiration Personal Growth,Psychology / Emotions

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Download PDF Neural Networks for Babies Baby University Chris Ferrie Sarah Kaiser 0760789273742 Books

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Download As PDF : Neural Networks for Babies Baby University Chris Ferrie Sarah Kaiser 0760789273742 Books

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Neural Networks for Babies by Chris Ferrie is a colorfully simple introduction to the study of how machines and computing systems are created in a way that was inspired by the biological neural networks in animal and human brains. It is never too early to become a scientist!

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"I work in Artifical Intelligence, and when I found out my primahermana was having a baby, I knew I had to keep the STEM going in the family, especially since the baby's father is also a full-stack Engineer. Neural networks are such a complicated topic and I was shocked how easily it was broken down."

Product details

  • Age Range 1 - 3 years
  • Series Baby University
  • Board book 24 pages
  • Publisher Sourcebooks Explore (March 1, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1492671207

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Neural Networks for Babies Baby University Chris Ferrie Sarah Kaiser 0760789273742 Books Reviews :

Neural Networks for Babies Baby University Chris Ferrie Sarah Kaiser 0760789273742 Books Reviews

  • I work in Artifical Intelligence, and when I found out my primahermana was having a baby, I knew I had to keep the STEM going in the family, especially since the baby's father is also a full-stack Engineer. Neural networks are such a complicated topic and I was shocked how easily it was broken down.
  • Good for baby. Should be more attractive or fun to read. Binding seems cheap
More aboutDownload PDF Neural Networks for Babies Baby University Chris Ferrie Sarah Kaiser 0760789273742 Books